Iate de 40 pés/Yacht 40 ft
Dentre as 80 modificações realizadas, destaque para marcenaria e desenhos de tampos, piso do cockpit, plataforma e passadiços laterais. Os estofados receberam um couro náutico cinza e o painel foi revestido com couro natural cinza chumbo. Na cabine, optou-se pelo contemporâneo piso de PVC reciclado, que traz conforto térmico e acústico. A iluminação foi projetada para criar diferentes efeitos. As cortinas trazem diferentes soluções em cada ambiente. No banheiro principal, os armários foram projetados para ter espaços de armazenamento e de acesso fácil, as pastilhas são em pedras semi preciosas. Todos os metais da cabine são em black PVD - material super resistente.
Para decorar, tecidos coloridos e obras de arte (réplicas da arquiteta).
There were around 80 alterations, and the highlights are the wood furniture and top table design, the cockpit’s floor, the platform and the side boardwalks. The upholstery is in grey nautical leather and the panel was coated with natural dark grey leather. For the cockpit, the choice was the modern recycled PVC floor that brings acoustic and thermal comfort. The lighting was designed to create unique effects. The curtains bring different solutions to each ambient. At the main bathroom, the cabinets were designed for easy access and storage capacity. The tiles are made with semi precious stones. All metal of the cockpit are made with black PVD, an ultra resistant material. For the decoration, colorful fabrics and works of art (replicas of the architect’s).